


Writing on the last day of 2019

After Us
After Us

2019 was a fulfilling year.

Graduation, going to Beijing for further studies, experiencing ups and downs, joys and sorrows...

This year was destined to be extraordinary, filled with scars, reluctance, and a return with nothing but the love of the person I love.

This year made me mature, sensible, stronger, and more determined. I learned to reconcile with my past self and discovered the voice deep within my heart.

A few days ago, I chatted with a friend and jokingly said, "Those born next year will be from the 20s. Back then, those born in the 2000s were just babies in our eyes, and now they have grown up. Time flies...". Talking about this, I couldn't help but feel emotional.

Time really can't bear scrutiny. Between babbling, cherries turned red and bananas turned green; in a hurry, hair turned white and eyes turned red; stumbling along, a lifetime passed silently. There are things that I dare not think about but cannot help but think about. Time is so cruel, yet so gentle!

2020, it's time to start my own journey.

"And then, they said your heart seems to have healed, and someone is now protecting you."

I am a person who is sentimental yet terrifyingly rational. Even my mother often says that I am too cold. Indeed, sometimes I feel like I am almost heartless, but I am also contradictory. I am truly kind and warm in my heart, and those unintentional moments are enough to move me to tears. My love for my family is no less than anyone else's, but it is often silent and unable to be expressed... But now, I am willing to speak out, willing to express my love, willing to sometimes act like a child who has not grown up to make my family happy. These are all things that time has taught me, taught me to grow, and taught me how to love.

"I only hope that the future you will be happy, that's what I want the most."

In 2019, we gradually carried a lot of things on our shoulders, sadness, pain, silent tears, and scars. Looking back, there were very few moments filled with smiles. Perhaps, this is the price of growing up. Growing up makes us increasingly busy, with more worries, constantly rushing forward, and very few moments of rest and joy. Looking at childhood photos, I can't help but sigh. We can never go back to the past.

In 2020, be a happy person! Speak less and act more. Care less, worry less. Be more grateful, and you will be happier!

A new year brings new opportunities.


"No matter what happened in the later stories, let the later life be wonderful."

I really cried after reading this. 2019 was so difficult for me, but there were so many things that made it worthwhile. I hope that in 2020, I can work harder, be stronger, not be swayed by circumstances, and stay true to myself.

"After us, I am looking forward to seeing you free in your tears."

It's the last day of 2019. If I can only say one thing, it would be:

The world is vast, and you have infinite possibilities.

In the new year, don't limit yourself.

Wishing you freedom. 🌟🌟🌟

Wishing you a Happy New Year. 🎉 🎉 🎉

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