


About Me


NickName: Panadol
WeChat Official Account: 溪哎

  • Born in the 1990s, male, backend developer, bug maker, loves playing table tennis 🏓
  • Always thinking about how to deposit the money in his mind into the bank every day
  • Currently residing in Beijing, struggling with business every day while still maintaining a passionate pursuit of various technologies
  • After joining the workforce, he increasingly understands the importance of communication and sharing, reviewing knowledge organization to deepen understanding
  • This site mainly shares original articles based on personal understanding, drawing extensively from internet resources, easy to understand, and reproducible
  • Likes warm and cute things, eager and always ready to embrace tomorrow
  • Shares life, records beauty

Quote: "He often forgets the syntax of code and some APIs, so he often needs to look up APIs or even syntax. He feels that without Google, I can hardly work. In the eyes of some people, this is a sign of insufficient technical skills. He only remembers a key, an index on how to find answers, not everything. The human brain is not a computer, he cannot expect himself to remember everything."

Encountering is beautiful, a moment is eternal, passing by with gratitude, leaving behind is fortunate.

Ownership of this page data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.