


The train travels towards the clouds, and the dream rests in the ninth heaven.

Train heading towards the clouds, dream soul in the sky
Train heading towards the clouds, dream soul in the sky


 Open this song, a lot has happened this week.

 Time is like a sneaky mouse in the room, stealing the cakes left behind by boys and girls. Many people's so-called maturity is just the result of being worn down by customs, becoming worldly and practical. That is not maturity, but the premature decline of the spirit and the death of individuality. True maturity should be the formation of a unique personality, the discovery of one's true self, and the spiritual result and harvest. What is lost will never return, but the world will repay it doubly. One generation will grow old, but there will always be someone who is young.

 This was written in the hot comments of Netease Cloud Music.

 Liking a post can be considered an excuse. A failed excuse. For me.

 The joys and sorrows of the world are like a bad drama that plays day and night, and I am still too childish to control my relationships: not thinking, acting impulsively, and then rushing forward in despair. For a period of time, I only completed some trivial tasks, although it seemed like I was busy to death, but it seemed like I didn't do anything.

 This week.


 Last night, while organizing my files, I saw the notebook from my university days lying diagonally in my suitcase. It is usually not visible, but flipping through it, I suddenly realized that it has been a long time, almost half a semester. Thinking that I haven't written many meaningful articles on my blog, I decided to say a few words as a farewell to my student life and make it official.

 True graduation is when people leave while drunk. Only when you talk the most do you realize that true words are not meant to be exposed so much. It feels shallow to show off with words, so I swallowed the last sip of wine in my hand.

 Over the years of college, I have said goodbye year after year, mocking how vain, naive, and impetuous I was in the past year. I finally figured it out and enjoyed a long period of carefree mood and beautiful time. When I got on the train to Beijing, as the train pulled away, I looked at the figure of my good friend through the window and realized that the distance suddenly became distant: it was a huge sense of emptiness and loss, with a feeling of fear, like the fear I had when I was a child waiting for my parents to come back while looking out the window of the old house. Compared to the ignorant melancholy and sadness imagined by listening to Wang Fei and Pu Shu in middle school and high school, there is too much reality now, a song of parting, only the long pavilion remains, and the back view of each other is never forgotten.

 The scenery outside the window of the train is never as poetic and picturesque as in novels and essays, nor as profound and meaningful as in documentary photography. It is mixed with too much luggage and unpleasant smells that make me nauseous and disgusted. But there are still people coming and going on this train, unfamiliar faces. Once again, I put on my headphones and look out the window quietly. Not to admire the scenery, because it is too blurry. These tears should be saved. I think they are just small and simple emotions and touches. How can they make me cry? We will all have greater happiness in the future. Someone has said this before, the eternal yesterday is always in the past, and it will come again.

 Since graduation, in addition to trying to remember things, I have silently set a limit for myself. I can no longer be a university student who can purely escape from reality. In addition to giving up a little bit of vanity and pride, I have to take on and learn more about the realities of life. But I still think, if I can still sit quietly in the classroom and listen to those boring speeches, sit seriously in the corner of the library or study room and solve algorithm problems without any worries, chat and gossip freely in the dormitory without any concerns, if I can have more time to learn how to grow better, I will live through these most beautiful days in a more mature, carefree, warm, and happy way. I will strive to remember the kindness and tolerance of my friends, and I will handle things and people that make me embarrassed and that I should apologize to in a more mature and less childish way.

 Yes, if I can still proudly proclaim that I am a student. Now I am too afraid of this kind of imagination, it always makes me indulge unintentionally.


 I like Doraemon because it has a magic pocket. Because it has a bamboo dragonfly. Because it has a time machine.

 Look, the things I like don't exist.

 In fact, I have long understood that I should not dwell on the past, not on what doesn't belong to me, not on what I have lost. But why do I still stubbornly expect something called simplicity and perfection? I hope for peace of mind. In the end, I can't always go on and on, the flowers will wither, and I need a deadline. Hehe, because even if God is blind and can't see clearly, I have eyes, so I won't make excuses anymore, just let it be natural.

 The lights in Beijing are magnificent, extending all the way to the endless end. Even if I have such a wild imagination, I still can't see everything that will happen in that city called the future.
 The boat can carry people, but not the return journey. Friends who carry dreams forward, may you be well~


 Looking back, anything in memory will be embellished to an unbelievable extent. Now I have no way to verify my thoughts at that time. Now, thinking about it, the periods with many tears are always associated with unforgettable people and things. The mature performance in the PS, I can never go back to the ten years in between. Perhaps only buried in memories can I find the laughter of the past. Don't disturb those people who are already living in your memories. Maybe this is the most suitable distance for you.

 My parents keep mentioning and caring about things related to me more and more. The brilliant fireworks outside the window, will they fall in my city? Will they illuminate the hazy future in your eyes? Now I am living my days peacefully, and my friends are also working hard on their own things. Some things around me are gradually becoming better and brighter through past efforts. Studying and working steadily are all good. Yes, now I am content.

 Now, I just hope that my grandmother is in good health. There is no other expectation.


 One generation will grow old, but there will always be someone who is young. Catching this train heading towards the clouds, dreaming soul in Beijing.

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