


To the First Day of Being 23 Years Old


 I just returned to the dormitory from the classroom the night before yesterday, feeling a bit tired, but still wanted to organize what I learned that day.

 My mom called, I wiped my hands and answered the phone -- "Happy birthday, son."

 In fact, a few days ago when I was looking at my phone, I already knew. Before coming to Beijing, my college classmates had already celebrated my birthday in advance, but my heart still skipped a beat. I always thought it was still early.


 I'm 23 now, feeling a bit empty inside.

 This emptiness comes from inner confusion and my own limited vision.

 It's only been 2 days since I finished my thesis and left school, and I've already lost the protection of being a student.

 Occasionally lamenting the passage of time, I entered university in the blink of an eye, and then graduated from university in the blink of an eye. Now, I accidentally graduated from university and started working. I still have seven years until I'm 30, but in reality, I don't have much time left for myself.

 We always complain about the difficulties of our lives, complain about the cruelty of life. At the age of 20, we force ourselves to be like middle-aged people in their thirties. We always think we work harder than anyone else, but we don't get the same rewards. In the end, all that's left is complaints!


 Huh? Have I really worked hard?

 Yes! I come from a humble background, have a low level of education, and most importantly, I don't have any goals to strive for. At this age, I can't help but feel scared.

 Before the age of 23, there were many things I wanted to do. For example, photography, taking pictures of things I like. Traveling, experiencing the scenery of growth. I also thought about learning a minor language, but I have always been undecided about which language to learn. Mastering a musical instrument, I have a flute and a guitar, but I haven't touched them. I think about a lot of things, but I actually do very little. A giant in thought, a dwarf in action, that's me, and it's a true portrayal...

 I envy many people, envy their financial freedom, envy their courage and determination to go on a spontaneous trip, envy their extensive network of contacts, envy their ability to meet all kinds of celebrities and top figures, envy their ability to live the life they want, envy their knowledge of what they want and how to achieve their goals.

 And me, I have always been someone who can only envy.

 I wrote this article mainly because I saw a topic on Zhihu a while ago, "What was your state at the age of 23?" I realized that I am currently 23, it is happening right now, not in the past tense. However, it also triggered my panic. At 23, I just entered society and stood at a crossroads in life. My knowledge is still too limited. Just the thought of having a mediocre life if I start working now makes me feel overwhelmed. Someday, life will beat me to death. And this is something I least want to see, and it is also what I fear the most. I know this theory, I know I need to change urgently, but I don't know how to change this situation. For now, I can only look for other opportunities, slowly find a suitable position within the current stage. I still need to learn what needs to be learned and walk the path that needs to be walked.


 Then I came to Beijing.

 I want to improve my logical thinking ability, improve my summarization skills, and have my own value output. For example, after learning something new or paying attention to something, I can start brainstorming, thinking, consolidating, and writing down my own gains. Gradually, naturally, I will have my own value output, which will have a great impact on both work and life.

 At the age of 23, you are living this kind of life. I hope that when you see this article at this time next year, you will have a different face, and your life and work will be completely different. I hope you can achieve what you want and find your own goals as soon as possible.

 Well, that's it for now.


 Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it.

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